Surface Pro (1st gen) not sleeping since Windows 10 upgrade

I started noticing my Surface Pro (1st gen) was not going to sleep since the upgrade to Windows 10 and was draining my battery. I checked many power options, but found the Surface Type Cover Filter Device Driver was missing.

Note: I am using a Surface Type Cover and not a Surface Touch Cover. If you have a Surface Touch Cover and having issues with the device not sleeping, it may be worth trying this, though do so with caution!

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Windows 10 install error 80240020

For those getting a Windows 10 install error 80240020 when trying to install Windows 10, try the following:

  1. Browse to “C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download”
    • Delete everything in this folder. – This will delete any corrupt files.
  2. Run command prompt as an administrator and type the command “wuauclt.exe /detect now” followed by enter.
  3. Go to your control panel and then Windows update – check for updates and it should start re-re downloading Windows 10.

Failing that, see this Microsoft article:

Good luck!

Windows 10 Technical Preview – Upgrading and Start Menu

I decided to be brave and upgrade my Surface Pro to the Windows 10 Technical Preview. Upon successfully installing I immediately clicked on the windows button… only to notice the start screen/metro interface launched instead of the start menu, little confused.

It seems, well in my case you need to turn the start menu on.

Head to the Control Panel and open Taskbar and Navigation, click the Start Menu tab, tick Use Start menu instead of the Start screen.



Click ok, you will need to logoff and then log back in for the changes to take effect. Then BOOM clicking the windows button will now bring the start menu up. 🙂