Open University Student IT Tips & Deals

Last updated 24/09/2014

I have been with the Open University now for a few years studying Computing & IT and Business and thought I would give my views on some good IT tips students can take advantage of to ensure their work is secure and backed up.


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Open University – B120 – An introduction to business studies

I don’t normally blog about my success with the Open University (I do tweet from time to time) but at the moment I am buzzing. I am studying towards a degree in BSc Computing & IT and Business and am currently studying B120 – An introduction to business studies.

I have completed two assignments and even though I have found this course so damn hard (not knowing anything about business) I have been surprising myself and doing really well! by using simple techniques from college – understand and deciphering the question.

When I get feedback such as:

Your application of Hackman and Oldham was quite simply the best I've seen on any B120 presentation, it had the lot.  I would never give full marks for anything easily - and I will always look for one little slip that allows me to give under fullmarks.  But I couldn't find one - worth the 40 marks - very well done.

I feel epic and knowing what I am doing is correct! I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself, if I know something is awful… I have to keep going (even when hitting a brick wall) this was true of my last assignment and got to the point where I just submitted… the score? 88/100 (distinction) and the comments above.

I think sometimes I am too hard on myself, Will I stop being hard on myself? no chance it has results! I know if I stop… I’ll start slacking and the scores will reflect this

This has motivated me to keep on going and to achieve more success with the Open University and  with other aspects in my life. If you work hard and are dedicated, results will follow.