A little over a week ago I took and passed the 640-911: Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking DCICN by Cisco. I had a month to study and achieve this as my CCNA Routing and Switching was set to expire.
After much discussion and thought, I felt the CCNA Data Center was more relevant to the job I currently do. I can confirm once passed the 640-911 does extend the life of the CCNA Routing and Switching by a further 3 years.
Having already completed the CCNA Routing and Switching, I felt I knew some of the material already, such as how networks work, VLANs, Spanning-Tree, IP addressing/Subnetting and Routing. It was more a case of learning the new stuff – which for myself was around the Nexus devices.
The official cert study guide (linked below) has a ‘Do I know This Already’ quiz for each chapter, which is useful in establishing where you need to focus your efforts. I would recommend practising on subnetting for speed to save time in the exam.
Training Videos:
Website resources:
Exam prep
- Review the exam objectives
- You can book the exam via perarsonvue.com, make sure your name on your PerarsonVue account matches the ID you’re bringing. I noticed when trying to book the exam, a warning message in red advising of this
- Make sure you have two forms of ID as per PearsonVue requirements
- Get a good nights sleep
- Arrive at least 15 minutes early
- The exam is 90 minutes and consists of 65-75 questions
- Do the tutorial at the start of the exam to get a feel for the format of the questions